Monday, May 21, 2012

Update on BHB's future


In an effort to make a blog that is more useful to the local history enthusiast community, I'm reconsidering my approach to the content here.

Initially, I was endeavoring to compiling all the history events in the area, but found that to be tedious and uninteresting. As nothing but the most complete and always timely list would do, once I fell off posting events weekly, it seemed unnecessary.

In the future, I will be posting featured events that I think are of particular interest to the Boston history community. I will also be adding a box in the left column with upcoming events. In the meantime, I encourage readers to check for local history listings.

Upcoming subjects this blog will broach include Boston's celebration of the War of 1812, municipal monuments to World Wars I & II, and Italian-American struggles with cultural identity coinciding with the rise of Mussolini.

I apologize for the absence of content since the launch, and will be working to remedy it.

If you have any suggestions on topics on Boston history, or have questions you'd like to see answered, please feel free to comment below, or email me.

Matt W.